mandag den 13. juli 2015

a little update

Well time still flies by, it's actually a bit awfull how fast the time goes! Well, my mom came home from the course and she made some really nice glass stuff! Beautiful! :D 
Work today, tomorrow, wednesday and thursday! Then off for 3 days! :D 
In the weekend I will start taking my bed apart, I've been saving up for a new one, so this weekend it's gonna go, and thenn next week, I'm buying a new bed! :D OMG! Sooooo excited! Well what else? Work, work, work, sometimes I feel like work is my life s: 
Hope to get off early this week! :D 

onsdag den 8. juli 2015

Well, now it's time to a new input!

Well, so much has happend since last time, I had my birthday, which was celebrated with family and my best friend. I work a lot (: my mom is currently on a course where she learns to do glass things. So at the moment my best friend is living with me, and we have plans on all my days off :b
Well what else? 
Time just flies by, I feel like i'm so busy I dont have time to write my blog Ö 
I'll try to do better<3