lørdag den 27. september 2014

A lot of pictures

The car I drive

The day we went to the Pool

Wuuuh! The car is awsome(not driving, just taking pictures (;


Jayla and me in the car (:


Papegøje (dont know how to write it in english :b)

The beach! Beautiful

More Kangaroos! 
Koala! SOOOO cute!!

fredag den 26. september 2014

Dansk indlæg

Hej alle sammen her er et lille/langt indlæg på dansk for alle dem der har lidt svært ved det engelske, så kommer der en lille opsamling af det hele på dansk som i lige får. (: Synes ikke det hele skal være på engelsk nu hvor jeg er her, der skal da også være lidt dansk indimellem :b

Jae, flyveturen var… ja.. rigtig lang! 12 timer i det første fly og så det næste 5 timer, puuuuha! Men, de havde utrolig god mad på flyet og rigtig god service, rigtig flinke og super flot arbejdstøj!! Jeg fik både frokost og morgenmad på det første fly, og i Singapore skulle vi så skifte fly, og det var ikke det sværeste at finde hen til den næste gate, men der var bare lidt langt! Og for søren da, mit hoved havde det som om det stadig fløj, da jeg ventede på det næste fly, og i det fly, skulle jeg bare ikke ha noget at spise eller noget, bare sove! Hehe, og så da man kom af flyveren i Australien, skulle man forbi sårn en kontrol ting med pas og sårn, og han spurgte så hvilken medicin jeg havde med, og jeg sagde astma medicin, og så kom jeg igennem, men de havde dog problemer med at scanne mit pas s: wtf?!?! Men jeg kom da igennem, efter den endeløse kø ): Nå, så hente sin kuffert, og så vise sin seddel til en anden, og så skulle kufferten også lige tjekkes, og ja, det var en lille (meget sød) hund der sniffede til min kuffert, den skulle ikke åbnes eller noget, og så ja, så var jeg kommet ind i landet, og så var det bare at finde Matt, hvilket ikke var det letteste i verden! Haha! Men vi fandt da hinanden! Og så skulle vi bare køre hjem til ham! Hehe (: En meget mærkelig oplevelse at de kører i venstre side, jeg skulle sidde foran og det er jo der hvor vi i Danmark sidder og styrer :b haha! Men ja ja, det gik(:
Børnene ville lege med mig med det samme, ret komisk!

Tirsdag d. 16 sep.
Det er stadig meget mærkeligt at være her, tror stadig ikke det er gået op for mig at jeg rent faktisk er her  Ö men ja, i dag kørte Matt og jeg børnene i skole, og Matt fortalte lærerne hvem jeg var (så det ikke er en øksemorder der henter dem ;b eller børnelokker, eller something) men skolen var kun 1 etage (stue) faktisk er næsten alle huse et-planshuse, og har kun stueetage. Men måske er det fordi de har sårn et kæmpe land og ikke behøver flere etager? (:
Men, ja, jeg var oppe kl 7ish, og spiste morgenmad med børnene, og ja, nu har jeg bare fritid som jeg ikke aner hvad jeg skal gøre med ):
Og selvfølgelig har familien ikke wi-fi endnu, det er så typisk! Så har svært ved at skrive hjem og skype med familie og venner, det er ret øv!
Og det er sårn lidt det (: vi hentede børnene fra skole senere, og jeg fik mig et australsk nummer(det kan dog ikke sende beskeder til Danmark?) og fik desværre ikke kørt bil i dag, men det er helt fint med mig :b

Fredag d. 19 sep.
Onsdag kørte jeg rundt med Matt i bilen der er til rådighed for mig, og det gik okay tror jeg. Jeg kan i hvert fald godt finde ud af deres rundkørsler, og de har altså nogle mærkelige venstre sving, uden noget trafiklys? Men altså, ja, i går lavede jeg lasagne og i onsdag spiste vi på en pub (hyggeligt sted) sammen med Jo og børnene. Men det interessante i dag er at jeg kørte helt alene i bilen i dag, og endda ud på den store vej! Meget stolt! Hehee (:

 Lørdag d. 20 sep.
I dag var vi i poolen! Det var mega lækkert! Det var like 32 grader tror jeg! Og det er ikke engang sommer endnu?! Hahah!

Lørdag d. 27 sep.
I dag er det Matt fødselsdag og hans mor og far er på besøg og han skal på arbejde senere, og ja, arbejde hele dagen og natten, og ja, bedsteforældrene passer børnene i løbet af dagen, og kommer tilbage med dem til sengetid agtigt tror jeg.
Men ja, denne uge er gået ret hurtigt, i tirsdag sov vi hos Jo, så jeg havde internet hele aftenen, og fik skypet med min mor og morfar, det var rigtig dejligt at høre fra dem!
Onsdag og torsdag er gået lidt forbi min næse s;
I går var vi(Jo, Matt, Mig og Jo’s datter og hendes veninde- Brook og Tyler var i skole) i en nationalpark, og så kænguruer, koalaer og papegøjer, og fik frokost derude,  rigtig hyggeligt, og så ja, hentede vi børnene fra skole (jeg havde lavet pizza’er til Tyler’s klasse fordi de havde sårn noget fælles spisning, og de var alle blevet spist!) og så hjem og ja, lege lidt, få børnene i bad, og bare slappe af, og så ja, så jeg lidt tv og så skred jeg i seng. !
Jeg tror det var i onsdags, der tog vi ind til banken ANZ og jeg fik lavet mig en bankkonto, og får tilsendt et kort (hahaha! Jeg får et kreditkort!) og ja, der er så en app til den bank, så jeg kan tjekke min konto på appen, men det tog bare lidt lang tid før jeg rent faktisk kunne få den lorte app! Fordi min app var dansk, skulle jeg bruge de sidste 3 kroner på min ’danske app konto’ og så derefter kunne jeg ændre land og så fandt vi endelig appen og jeg kunne komme på! Endelig main! Men! Ja, Matt har overført lidt penge til mig, og jeg har jo stadig penge i min pung, jeg har brugt penge på en bog og nogle praktiske ting, ikke så meget andet :b
Og så skulle jeg i torsdags fylde ’min’ bil op med benzin, hahah, jaaaae. Det er jeg ikke særlig god til! Har sagt til Matt at alt det praktiske med bilen, det kan jeg ikke, fordi jeg kørte jo bare rundt i Danmark, ikke så meget andet, han havde givet mig penge og det hele tiden benzin, og ja, jeg tror lige han skal hjælpe mig næste gang! :b hahaha! Men okay, ved ikke om det her er dyrt for benzin, men ca. 32 liter for 50 AUS dollars, det er ca. 1,7 pr liter, det virker altså billigere end Danmark (:
Men hold kæft hvor er det svært nogle gange at være her. Som lige nu, jeg ved ikke helt hvor jeg skal gøre af mig selv, han har ikke noget wi-fi så tør ikke skrive inde på Aupair gruppen (en gruppe på facebook, hvor forskellige aupairs i Perth skriver for at få nye venner i sin fritid) så jeg har ikk rigtig noget at lave, og jeg føler mig lidt ensom nogle gange. Jeg ved godt at man burde være virkelig glad for sin fritid, men lige i øjeblikket er den bare lort, for aner ikke hvad jeg skal lave, jeg kan ikke skrive hjem, eller skype med nogen, eller tjekke facebook. Jeg kan læse en bog, se en film eller lign. men det er bare heller ikke særlig sjovt..
Jeg kan ikke rigtig forstå jeg snart har været her i 2 uger, det er ret sindsygt! Jeg tror jeg er ved at forstå at jeg ikke bare kan ringe hjem, eller komme hjem til min egen seng, eller lige ringe Signe op og mødes med hende for en snak, eller spørge muffe om jeg må låne hans bil. Alle de små ting, savner jeg, jeg savner dansk smør, dansk skummet mælk, dansk morgenbrød, dansk rugbrød, for søren jeg savner rugbrød! Savner dansk tv, fordi jeg ved hvad der kommer og har rimelig mange kanaler i Danmark.
Savner min mor, morfar, min bedste veninde, savner at kunne cykle hen til netto og rent faktisk finde ud af hvad der står på hylderne.
Alt herover er så stort, og supermarkederne er like, virkelig store og alt er bare i family size main! Du kan næsten ikke købe andet end store pakker! Wtf?! Og jeg er slet ikke vant til at lave mad for 4-7 personer, jeg er bare vant til at lave mad for 2, så det er en ret stor omvæltning, men okay, faren laver ikke det store madlavning, så, i det mindste kan jeg lave lidt mad :b haha!
Men ja.. Jeg ved ikke rigtig hvor jeg skal gøre af mig selv i dag, tror jeg kører hen til supermarkedet og køber noget aftensmad og ja, måske lidt lækkert? I dunno, bare et eller andet i hvert fald!

I dag er det en meget regnfuld nederen dag, så den skal bare bruges indenfor! 

2 days/a week (: Hehe

Monday 22th September
So, it’s Monday and a new week are starting. And today Tyler had school, but Brooklyn didn’t so I had to take care of her today (: We went to the shops and did the groceries, she was very helpful, and I actually drove to the shops, with Brook in the car :D hehehe and it went just fine (:
So all in all a nice day. (:
And yeah, after this week the kids have school holidays so that’s gonna be weird to experience :b hahaha!
So, I’ll write later :b

Saturday 27th September
So, this Wednesday we went to the bank ANZ, and made me a bankaccount and I even get a credit card! In black! Hehe! Well, yeah that’s nice (: I even got a app on my phone (after a lot of time trying to find it on the ‘danish app store’ and after I found out I could change country, I needed to spend the last 3krones on my Danish account) that can show we how much money I have on my account, it’s nice (:
So yesterday (Friday) we(Matt, me, Jo, Jo’s daughter and her friend) went to the National park (well one of them- think it’s the one closest to us) and we saw kangaroos, koalas and I got some real nice pictures! It was a really big park! You can like drive around in it! WTF?! It was crazy! And we went to a pub and got some lunch, and then back again, and then get Brook and Tyler from school, and yeah, that was pretty much it for yesterday (: Hehe (:
Today it’s Matt’s birthday, well, I wanted to make him pancakes, but we don’t have any flour or eggs, then it’s a bit difficult. But they don’t go too much up in birthdays, I guess, because he has to go to work later, like from 12.00-05.00 hole day and night ): That’s just sad! But yeah his parents are gonna take care of the children until like 18.30, and then they come back (: hehe (: And I have the day to myself… Hmmm don’t know what to do on my days off, it’s awful, I don’t really have any friends yet, and because he doesn’t have wi-fi yet, I don’t want to write on the Aupair group (a group on facebook for aupairs in Perth, that wants new friends and explore some things) because I can’t see if they write me back ): So, yeah, that needs to wait until he get the wi-fi! Otherwise I think I’m gonna go to the little shops and buy myself some dinner tonight, and maybe some sweet stuff? Hmmm, yeah that’s sounds good (:

Or, I just go to Jo's house and have internet!  

lørdag den 20. september 2014

Skyping with home

So I skyped with my mom, granddad and Grethe yesterday evening here, it was a little hard to see them, but in a way it was really nice to see them, when I play with the kids and drive around I don't miss home so much, but talking with them, seeing them on the cam, it reminds me that i'm like 20 hours away from them.. But I know they can handle it, and I'll be alright, everyone is so sweet to me, and I feel like I'm doing nothing, and they feel like I'm doing to much :b I think it just takes a little time to adjust the situation. (: and hell yeah I will have a fantastic time here! I want to learn how to surf, and go on the jetski, and everythiing :D hahah! It's gonna be so nice! (: I'm already looking forward to all the things I will experience (: And when I have to leave the family, I think it's gonna be real hard to say goodbye ): But, i'm enjoying every minute over here, and everything!
Today it's a rainning, so, we are just sitting around doing facebook, relax and stuff like thar (: it's nice (:
So, i'll write again soon (i hope so :b) cya<3

A few days (:

Tuesday 16th  September
09.10(AU time)
It sooo strange to be here, think I haven’t realized it yet, but I’m gonna realize it, I have to (:
So today Matt and I dropped the kids off at school, and he told the teachers who I was, so they know it isn’t some stranger picking the kids up from school. It was a really huge school, all on 1 floor, no 2 floor or anything, such as the house, no second floor.
I got my own little room, and I’m trying to make it my own, and it’s getting there, slowly. And today I got up at 07.00 ish, and eat breakfast with the children- Brooklyn didn’t want to eat hers- then the dad came and suddenly she could eat a lot of it - -‘ typical!
And now I have some ‘free time’ until like 14.00 because there isn’t anything I have to do in the house, and stuff like that, so today I have free time Ö
But later I will learn how to drive in the left side! Gosh I’m scared!
And ofc the family doesn’t have wi-fi… grrr.. buuuut he will get it! (I’m glad he will, so I can skype home and write some mails to my family and stuff like that, so, he said he wanted to call them today, and later when we picked the kids up from school, we are going to get me a simcard for my phone so I have an Australian phone-number.
And yeah, that’s about it, couldn’t sleep much this night, went to sleep like 20.00 and woke again like 23.30 and couldn’t sleep when I finally went to sleep I kinda woke up like 20 min after, so a crappy night, but maybe I’ll get some sleep while I wait for Matt to come get me (:
-I’ll write later!                                                   

19.20(AU time)
So we made me an Australian number, but I can’t send messages to my mom, but I can receive from anyone, and I can call my mom at Denmark, so that’s good. Yeah, and all my freetime was like just sleeping, haha!
And for dinner Jo and her kids came over, so that was nice, they told me that my English is very good, that made me happy, but I think it’ll be better (: just writing and speaking English is learning.
So I didn’t have time to drive today, but that’s alright, every time I sit in the car next to Matt, omg it’s strange driving in the left side s:
The kids is in their beds, and I kinda don’t know what to do right now so I’m just sitting here on my laptop trying to figure out how to use my new phone number and not use all the money on it at once. There is like 10 dollars on it.
But for now I’ll go off, and I write again tomorrow, and put it all together in my blog, because the family doesn’t have wi-fi yet, it’s gonna take some days before it comes on<3
-Denize :* 

Dictionary for the letters combined:
Ofc- of cause
Omg- oh my god

Friday 19th September
Well, Wednesday I went driving with matt, it went okay, we drove around where he lives (a silent place) and then went on a big road, and that went okay too, but they have some weird like left swings :b with no light? Whuuut?! But anyway, I’m good at round abet(in Danish- rundkørsel) I actually thought it would be more difficul, and in the evening we went out eating(: anyway. Yesterday I made lasagna, but not with fresh pasta ): so it was a little hard some places ): but they liked it,oh and yesterday I had to like take care of Brooklyn, because she didn’t had school, so we went to the park, and played, and we played with dolls, did hair on the other one, and so on- she can really drain you from energy Ö then Tyler came home and I help him with homework, and has to sign and stuff Oo’ whuuut?! :b anyway!
Today is the interesting thing! I drove all by myself! I drove to the school 2 times, and then I wanted to drive to the store, and it wasn’t my intention to go on the big road but somehow I got there, and then I like had to drive on that one, and then I found a sideway, and a garage thing and turned around back home, and then I went to the store :b and I didn’t even think of going in the right side! I’m proud! I did it, all by myself! Omg! It’s crazy I actually did it! Oh, and because I was really long to come home again, matt called me, but I didn’t take it in time, so he wrote an sms and asked if I was okay, he properly thought I crashed the car :D hahah! But no! I was just on the big road J and I explained what happened and he was like ‘ hahah, keep it up’ hehe, so driving isn’t that hard as I thought (: sometimes I want to drive in the other side, but I’m really trying to keep left, and there are signs that says “keep left” so that’s good (:
And maybe tomorrow we will use the pool, it’s gonna be like 32 degrees Ö Wooooaw! And it’s not even summer yet! 

Saturday 20th September
So, this night Matt went to work and I had to put the kids to bed, and after that I saw tv, ‘so you think you can dance’ was on (:
And yeah I needed to make breakfast and lunch for the kids today. We went to the park and yeah, they are up really early, it’s like whaaaat?! Well, then the kids and Matt went to the shops and I went driving on my own again, getting good at it! :D

And oh! We actually went in the pool today! That was sooo nice! :D not cold (or at least not in my eyes it weren’t cold, they thought it was cold. And now Jo and her kids came over and Matt’s brother is here aswell. And I got a lot of sun today (: hehehe (: hope to borrow some internet later, before Matt goes to work<3 see ya<3

Food on the plane 
The menu in danish on the plane

the other menu on the same plane
from the plane

Singapore airport<3

mandag den 15. september 2014


Sunady the 14th 13:34 (danish time)
So, I’m right now in the flight on my way to Singapore, there I need to take another plane, but omg, I have so many butterflies in my stomach, I haven’t really realized that I’m actually going s: Not so good.
I sit beside some really nice Danish people(they are also going to Perth :b), so I talk Danish on this flight, and right before we entered the flight, I talked with a guy who lives in Australia, and he was very kind to me, and said it was easy to find your way in Singapore airport, I was glad he said that (:
So right now I’m writing a little bit, and then I will make a very looooong (indlæg?)
So right now I’m gonna go off my computer again, and try to get some sleep maybe (: I’ll write later!
19.50 (Danish time)
Omg, I have flown for like 8 hours now s: sooo tired, but can’t sleep, watched 4 episodes of ‘Lie to me’ and eaten, and gosh their food was really good! I had a starter, and a head course, and ice to dessert! :b haha! Lots of food, and snacks, and they ask you if you want any drinks here and there, and their uniform is soooo cool! I really like it (:
But it’s hard to travel alone, I already miss my mom, my best friend, my granddad, everyone… Guess you didn’t know how much until you started to travel on your one… It’s sad, and then it isn’t, I have a mixed feeling about it.. But yeah, will write later, when I arrive in Singapore, I’ll be waiting for 3 hours I think, hope I can charge my computer there! Cya later<3
Monday the 15th 07:29(Singapore time) – 01.29(Danish time)
So I landed safely in Singapore, and I found a charger for my computer and my phone! And it takes the Danish capels as well, so happy!! So right now I just need to take my time with charging my stuff, so I’m ready to travel 5 hours more!
It was really nice because in the flight we also got breakfast Ö seriously, I didn’t think that, but alright 12 hours in a plane, you need some food!
I’m feeling a bit groggy – like I’m still in the plane flying :b haha! Takes some time to get use to the ground again :b But I do miss home, I get tears in my eyes just thinking about my mom, alone in our home in Denmark, but I know she will handle it just fine while I’m gone, she has her hobbies, and friends to entertain her. I don’t think I have realized it yet, still, I’m in Singapore, and I haven’t realized that I’m really gonna do this! WTF?! But now I will relax a bit, see how much it has charged and gonna write when I’m in Perth with the family (:
19:06 (Australian time) – 13.06(Danish time)
I have arrived to Australia, and found the family, and they took good care of me, the kids loved their presents, and the dad as well, and the kids wanted to play with me right away, that was kinda funny, but they forget my name, but I think they will get it in time :b We are starting to read in the book that I gave them with fairy tales of H.C Andersen, and we are now reading Thombelina (:  I have met Jo (not quite sure who she is yet) and her kids, and they were all very nice to me, and I got dinner aswell, but my head is still groggy after the flight, feeling like I’m still in the air.. s:
But now I think I’m going to bed or something like that, and then I will write again soon. !

ps. pictures will come 

Dictionary for the contractions of letters:
OMG- oh my god
WTF- what the fuck

Cya- see ya

lørdag den 13. september 2014

Almost ready!

Omg! I'm leaving tommorrow! I can't believe it! It's soooo crazy!!! OMG!
Just brought the ticket yesterday, and then I went shopping with my mom, and my best friend. I'm gonna miss her so much )': It's gonna be hard to be away from her so long, and not being home at christmas and new year, we always spend the new year together, so this year is the first time away from home at christmas and new year.. ):
But anyway! I brought my family some gifts yesterday, and I hope they are gonna love them! otherwise I'll gladly take them :b
And today I need to pack all my stuff and wrap the gifts in! Tommorrow I'm going! CRAZY SHIT!!

And I've talked with the family(the father) today, and he is really nice to me, and will be waiting in the airport to meet me, and if anything goes wrong I also have his number so he can confirm that I'm staying with him for 6 months, hehehe (: And he'll be teaching me how to drive get me to the bank, and get me a australia phone-number aswell! :b So there will be taken care of me! Otherwise I have a lots of contacts I diddn't know of, that I can call (:
Nice weekend out there, will soon be blogging again!
To night I'm going out with my family and going to visit my best friend Signe F, I'm gonna be crying so much! She also travels tomorrow but just for a week not a half year ): <3 I love you girl! You know it, and I know you read this blog<3 And I just wanna say thanks for being their for me all the time, and being happy for me, you are a great gift and I love you<333

Well, I need to go pack some stuff now! :D

tirsdag den 9. september 2014

A conversation

Okay, so I've just skype with the kids and their grandmother, and oh my gosh they are so sweet! A little shy, but that's not a problem, they are really nice and easy to talk to. they told me about many things, and they seemed like they need to be active. (: 
And the grandmother or Nanny, as she said to me, she also seemed so nice and wanted to know if I've finished school, and then I've showed them the danish 'graduation hat' so that was funny, and when they wanted to say something, that they really wanted to tell, it just went soooooo fast, so I kinda missed a little of it, but good for me the nanny helped me out and if the kids didn't hear what I've said, she would ask them for me. So that was nice. 
And in the end I've asked if they wanted to ask me anything, and they wouldn't the nanny said "so we know she can cook, that is a major plus, and we know she can talk english, and drive, so that was all' hehe (: and they asked if I owned a car, so I've told them that I drive my granddaddy's car, and then Tyler wanted to know what color it was, hehe (: 

In the weekend I've got my driverslicense, so yesterday I've got my international driverslicense :D 
And I've got a book that says 'The trip goes to Australia' so I'm ready to go! 
Or I need to go to my bank to make a paper where it says how many money I have, so they wont send me back again. But now I just need to figure out when I need to leave. 
But I can say, that the kids and the nanny seem very sweet and lovely, I'm happy they choose me(:

fredag den 5. september 2014

Not long yet

This is me, I'm 20 years old and I'm going to Australia to be an aupair. I'm very excited to go on my own and experience a hole other world all by myself. 
I'm finding a family right now, and when I have that, then I'm off!! 
I have my visa, and I have the money I need, I just need someone who want's little me to come and take care of their children and house (:

- og på dansk for mine venner og familie i DK:

Det her er mig, jeg er 20 år gammel og jeg tager til Australien for at være aupair for en familie. Jeg glæder mig meget til at komme afsted alene og opleve en hel anden verden helt på egen hånd. 
Jeg er igang med at finde familie lige nu, og når jeg har den så er jeg den der er taget afsted!
Jeg har allerede visa, penge og nu mangler jeg bare nogle der vil have lille mig til at passe på deres børn og hus (: