torsdag den 30. oktober 2014


 So today I've  been shopping for my self! Ö I've got some really nice pants! A pair of shorts, and a lovely dress! Have used to many money :b haha! :D I know it's difficult to see the pattern on my new stuff because of the bedsheds :b hehe (: but anyways! I've actually been good to myself, and now I have 4 pair of shorts! Wuuuh :D 
The foto of the girls is from when we were at IKEA! 
Days go so fast by! It's soooo quick main! I can't believe it's November tomorrow!? WTF?!?! It's unbelieveble! :D hahaha (: Soon it's cristmas time, it's gonna be sooo weird! :b hahah! (: 
I miss home, miss my friends, family and stuff.. Sometimes it's hard to be here, being without what your used to have around you all the time, and here I have to be a grown up, and do things on my own.. But the family is so nice to me, and takes me shopping, and never leaves me out, even on my days off, if they're going out for dinner they ask me if I wanna join, they're are so nice. I couldn't have asked for a different one (: 

- En smule på dansk! Følte lige lidt for det danske, nu hvor jeg snakker og skriver så meget engelsk hele tiden :b haha! (:
Så, ja jeg var ude og shoppe idag, og fik købt nogle lækre shorts, bukser og en kjole! :b har brugt alt for mange penge :b haha! Men okay, har heller ikke fået brugt nogle af de penge jeg har fået overført til min konto :b så det var vist på tide jeg fik brugt nogle af dem! :b hahah!
Jeg ved godt det er svært at se mønstrene på tøjet, da mit sengetøj er meget mønsteret! :b hehe (:
Så idag er det halloween, og ved ikke rigtig hvad vi skal, så det blir sjovt at finde ud af hvad der sker :b hahah (:
Jeg har gjort rent i huset, og nu mangler jeg bare at vaske mit nye tøj, så jeg kan bruge det i løbet af weekenden! :b hehe ! Jeg prøver stadig at få et billed af Matt's brækkede hånd :b hehe (:
Men ja, ellers så går det stille og roligt, jeg savner hjem nogle gange, når det hele blir lidt forvirrende, og mangler bare det 'normale' hvis i forstår? Men kan slet ikke fatte jeg snart har været væk i like 7 uger Ö 1 1/2 måned! det er sindsygt! Men får tiden til at gå med at male et dukkehus, det super lækkert at have noget at lave, når jeg føler mig lidt i vejn, så går jeg bare derud og arbejder på det (: Det er begyndt at se rigtig godt ud!:D Hehehe (:
Alle mine danske venner, I ER SAVNET!
Familie- Jeg tænker på jer hver eneste dag<3
Morfar- håber din nye computer kan finde min blog :b haha (:
Signe F- Jeg glæder mig til at skype med dig! (: <3
Annie- tak for de randomme beskeder om morgenen (nat for dig) det varmer<3
Alle mine venner og familie- ELSKER JER!!<333

A little week

So, i know it's been a week since last time i wrote to you guys ): alot have happend since last time!
Matt has a broken hand from work, I had a great day at the beach and IKEA yesterday! So life is turning pretty good for me at the moment (: I'm enjoying it alot! :D Just chilling have fun, taking care of the kids and so on (: 
Not much els really (: I'll try to write in the weekend (;

onsdag den 22. oktober 2014

A day off

So today I got a day off, and while I was driving back to Matt's house, the police was on the road, and I had to take an alcohol test :b ahahha! that was pretty funny! 
But later I got my nails done, for like 60 dollars! in Denmark it's over 110 dollars! (I did the math) (: 
So here's a picture of them! I loooove them,  but are sooo scared of breaking them :b hahaha! :D I had a good day (: 
Hope all my friends are having a good week<3

tirsdag den 21. oktober 2014

A week

So I know it's been almost a week since I lastet updatet you guys, but yeah, let's start with the day on the beach?! :D 
It was so amazing to actually meet some other au pairs, and hear their story, and I was on the beach all day! Hahahaha! :D I had a great time! :D And we're friends on facebook, and are gonna meet up again some time (: I actually have a coffe date on saturday (: 

So yeahc, saturday Tyler had to go to a birthday party, and after we picked him up, we were eating at a lovely restuarant. and the rest of the day was chilling time. Sunday night I was all alone in the house in the evening, and was watching x-factor, eating my candy/chocolate :b hahaha! :D So yesterday Tyler had school, and Brook didn't, so I was watching Brook during the day, Today the both of the kids were in school, and I did all the cleaning, and took a trip to joondalup center, to buy a lot of candy to my self :b hahaha! So now I have candy for the weekend! :D hahaha! 
So right now we're at Jo's, and I'm chilling, don't quite know what to do, so just sitting here, blogging about life (: And yeah, sometimes it's hard, when the kids doesn't listen to me the first time, and doesn't respect me enough, crying over small things, and I'm feeling like the biggest monster in the world, and yeah, it's not funny. I just want one day when I can sleep in and not get out of my bed before like 12 in the morning, and just chilling. I'm always out of bed at like 8, or before. So yeah.. But it's a nice weather here! And I can't believe I've been here for like 5 week! Wuuuh (: Times flying fast! So I must have a lot of fun then :b Soon I be home again, but had a once in a life experience with me! :D 

Og her er lidt på dansk, til dem der ikke er så gode til det engelske, men skriver desværre ikke præcis det samme som jeg har skrevet på engelsk. 
Så ja, tiden går ret hurtigt alligevel, og jeg får ikke rigtig brugt særlig mange penge, i forhold til hvad jeg har (: Men det er jo en god ting, jeg sparer vel sammen til at købe noget lækkert nyt tøj, og bøger og det hele! :D hahaha! (: 
Jeg har oplevet virkelig meget på bare 5 uger, og jeg er ikke engang halvejs endnu, og jeg ved der kommer så mange flere oplevelser! Og jeg venter bare på de kommer! Jeg mangler stadig en tur i byen (; Haha :b Men ja, nogle gange er det hårdt, børnene har ikke helt rigtig respekt for mig endnu, og jeg skal simpelthen sige tingene flere gange for dem, og selv der lytter de ikke rigtig? Og de græder over de mindste ting, og jeg føler mig som den ondeste person i verden, og jeg får bare lyst til at lukke mig inde på et værelse og hade mig selv fordi jeg sårer dem. Men jeg ved jo godt, at det ikke er pga. jeg er ond at de græder, de har bare utrolig let til tåre, og jeg har svært ved at håndtere det ): Men det må jeg vel bare lære at leve med? Men ja, min dag har været ret chill, har ordnet vasketøj, og gjort en masse rent, og været i Joondalup centeret og købt en masse slik og chokolade :b haha! Sådan! Så er jeg klar til weekenden :b Bring it on! (; Jeg skal prøve alt muligt slik :b haha! Og lige nu sidder jeg hos Jo, og der er bare så mange børn ! De løber alle rundt og leger, tror der er omkring 8 børn hos Jo, og lige nu spiser det, så det er heldigvis lidt stille (: Og snart skal jeg skype med min mor og morfar (: Men først lidt mad :b Ses :*

tirsdag den 14. oktober 2014


So, tomorrow I'm gonna meet a lot of other au pairs at City Beach. And I'm really excited to get out from the house and meet some other people! (: Not that the family is not nice, love the family, but, just to get out and get away from the house (and not going to joondalup center, all the time) is gonna be nice! We are actually really many that wants to go down their, so that's gonna be awsome! we're like 10-15 people meeting up there (: Weeee :D happy meee! :D get to know a lot of people :D 

So today we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant, and the portions are really big, it's so strange, because in Denmark, I'm used to smaller portions. 
But anyway, I'm skyping with my best friend! It's sooooo amazing to skype with her! I really miss her! And she is always there for me! I love her with all my heart<333 

love to all my friends and family <3 

søndag den 12. oktober 2014

The weekend

So, Matt had to go to this October party yesterday, and I had to watch Brook and Tyler, but also Jo's daughter and her friend, but, yeah, i went good, until Brook and tyler got in a fight, 3 times that day, and didn't listen to me, or anything, it's so awfull. But yeah, we went to the big park at Wanneroo, and we got icecream from the ice cream van, got home, got some lunch, played a little, went to the pool, I made dinner, and they went to bed, and then I had a trerible sleep, so i'm freaking tired right now, because I went to bed like 24 ish, and then got woken up by 3.30, because tylers ear was hurting, and then I couldn't sleep again, or at 06 I could, and then I went up at 8.30 again. Because Brook can't keep quiet. But yeah, today I've been to the marked, and got some stuff for my self, and some stuff for home, that I can send at christmas time, and for my best friends birthday! I always buy her tickets to see 'The hunger games' in the cinema, but that is only fun if we're together ): And this time we're not )': (Vræææææææææææææææl!) I miss her really much! <33 Love you girl!<3

Well, so tonight I have planned with some aupairs in Perth, that we're going to the beach on wednesday (I have just forgotten that Brook doesn't have school that day, hmmm.. what am I gonna do?) Well, at least i'm trying to get some friends over here! And it would be perfect to go on the beach on wednesday, because it's gonna be like 32 degrees. ! Baaaah, I'm gonna work something out! Hmmm.. yeah! I want to go there, and meet some other people!!<3 

torsdag den 9. oktober 2014

Awsome days (:

 Oh main, jeg har bare haft nogle dejlige fridage! Igår fik jeg endelig købt postkort til dem derhjemme, og nu mangler jeg bare at få dem sendt afsted så de kan modtage dem, og ja, ellers chillede jeg det meste af igår, jeg var sammen med alle, Matt, børnene, Jo og hendes datter, hendes veninde og datter, og vi spiste alle nede på en cafe, men det blev rimelig koldt :b haha! Ja, ellers var det mega hygge, jeg fik skypet med min mor og morfar, hold kæft hvor jeg savner dem! For vildt! Men ja, ellers så idag var vi i Cohunu koala park! Der var en masse dyr, du gerne måtte fodre med popcorn, og du kunne røre dem, og det var mega sejt! Jeg fik endda holdt en koala! Og aet en kænguru! Sådan! :D Endnu en ting jeg kan stryge fra listen over ting jeg har oplevet herover ;) Hahaha  ! 

-Jetski, tjek!
-Kænguruer, tjek!
-holde en koala, tjek!
-opleve aqwa world, tjek!
-køre bil herover, tjek!
Hahaha ;) Nå, må hellere skrive på engelsk også ;)

Well here is it in english guys ;)
Oh my god I had some really nice days off! Yesterday was just a chill day, and we all (Matt, the kids, Jo and her daughter, Jo’s friends Aimee and her daughter, and we went down by the beach, and we ate on a café, but unfortunately it was a little cold, so we had much fun coming home in 1 car :b haha!
And today, we (Jo her daughter, Amiee and her daughter) went to the Cuhuno koala park, and we could feed the animals with poporn, and could touch them! And I even hold a koala(it was soooo cute!) and we touched kangaroos, they were like really chill with us touching them! It was so awesome! And a really nice day! I got some awesome pictures of the day! But I’m not gonna put all on my blog ;b haha ;) then you can learn it!

Well I have a few things I can check off my list of experience over here ;) I've had an amazing chilling day, and now we have the internet at home, and I can actually blog about it, and opdate you guys on how it's going ;) I'm in love with that little koala! Hahaha ;) Well this weekend (saturday) I'm gonna look after 4 kids :b haha it's gonna be fun to have a day all by us self ;) 
So right now, i'm feeling on top of the world, got some new music aswell, so i'm on the top, listen to music, chilling, just being me! :b hahaha! ;) Love to you all guys,! 
And for you guys at home, I miss all of you!<3 Kisses and Hugs<3 

tirsdag den 7. oktober 2014

Pictures, again (:

Perth by Night<3

Shark, uuuh (scary!)
Jellyfish (vandmænd/brandmænd

There is a guy feeding the fish! 
The guidemap for Aqwa World 

Matt on the Jetski (:

A week, and we finally got internet!

Sunday 27th September
So, today I would like to sleep to like 8 a clock, but unfortunately the kids were like awake at 7ish and were playing loud in their rooms -.-‘ so much for weekend sleeping… Well, then we played on their ipads, and got some breakfast, but gosh those kids can’t be quiet for more than 5 min, and Matt really needed his sleep, and the kids were loud and stuff, and I got really angry, well, as angry as I can be, feeling like they don’t listen to me… Well, I guess that happens once in a while, you just need to cope with it, and make them listen to you?
I can’t believe I’ve been away for 2 weeks now! It’s so strange, to like think about, I’m still like in a way ‘Yeah, I’ll see my mom tomorrow’, but I won’t, and I need to learn that! (BASTA BUM!)
Well, I still miss home, I really need to find some friends over here, I have like the family and that’s it, so I really need to find someone to go to the cinemas with, or go out for some brunch/lunch or something, I really need someone over here, other than the family (which is great to me!- they take me to lunch, parks, and treat me like family- but I feel like I’m  their private space, so). Today after Matt woke up, Jo came over and we all went out for lunch/dinner, I got a chicken burger. I still need to try kangaroo and crocodile over here (: Haha!
Well, yeah that’s pretty much it for today. Nothing else really happened today, other than playing, reading in my book, out with the family. So (:
I hope my friends in Denmark are good, and are doing great<3

Tuesday 30th September
Today I really miss home, being able to talk to my family, just being home in my own house and lying in my own bed, not being woken up at 6.30 in the morning (and the kids even have school holidays) the kids have been so irritating today, I’ve been kinda angry at them, they don’t listen to me, and when I asked of something they went crying.. Well that's just how they are I guess, trying my bounderies. So I’ve cleaned the house, done all the washing and all that, so that is done (:
I dreamt last night that I went home for a couple of days, and when I woke up I wanted to talk to my mom and tell her my dream, because I always used to do that, but then I remembered that there are like 20 hours home to my mom, and she would properly be asleep if I rang her up.. Just missing to being able to talk Danish with someone, I miss talking with my best friend, when I don’t know what to do, and all that.. I’m just really homesick right now.. And wished that I was home just a little bit..

Thursday 2nd October
Well, yesterday I lied in my bed almost the whole day, getting a flu I think, and I’m just feeling like crap.. And just wished I was at home because their I know what to buy and have the most of it at home.. but here I dunno what to do, I feel a bit hopeless.. And there is so much going on, and I’m feeling like my head is just spinning all day long.. Can’t really sleep well, have bad dreams and waking up all the time.. yeah it’s just a bad week for me I guess?
Well 2 good things happened in this week.
1.      I have received my credit card and my pin-code
2.      We will have internet tomorrow! OMG! YESS!!!! FINALLY!!
And that kinda it, all the rest is a little bad: feeling sick, missing home, out of energy, dunno what to do with myself? It’s just…. Great.. yeah.. (det er bare noget rigtig lort!!!!)
Well, I’m in my room right now, the clock is about 10.00, and I’m all out of energy, but I have managed to change my bedshets so that is clean and I can be on top again soon! (I hope so)
Well, I’ll write again tomorrow, and let you know if I feel better.

Friday October 3,
Been sleeping alright tonight, having a bit more sleep than yesterday, now I just (kan virkelig ikke ordet på engelsk.. men jeg hoster hele tiden), yeah, that’s awful, but better than a running nose every other second :b haha! Well, the internet doesn’t like us very much. It doesn’t work, and now we need someone to come and look at it, so typical! We got all the things for it, but yeah, awful, that it won’t work ): I waaaaant internet!!! ):
Well, yeah, we went to Aqwa world, and saw a lot of fish!! It was really amazing and beautiful! I got a really good picture of the shark! Wuuuhu!! It was a lot of fun! A lot of different fish, awesome place! You could even like touch some of the fish; they felt like sandpaper, haha! Really fun to touch, but wet arm, not a good fan of that :b! Haha! Well, yeah, then we went out eating lunch, and it was a really nice place, where you could see people jumping in to the water, it was so cool! And when we went to get ice cream, you like choose your ice cream and then you ‘topping’ then they will like crush it for you and mix it in your ice! How cool is that?! Really cool main! :b hahaha! 

Saturday October 4th
Well, today was a lot of fun! We went on the jetskies, and actually saw some dolphins!! Liiiiike WHAT!?!?! For real! they were swimming close to the jetskies, it was so amazing! And oh, jetski is really fun to try! I got a little scared when Matt went fast (like really fast!) and I was like all pumped up on adrenalin, and was shaking, but still, it was fun! Definitely not the last time I’m gonna try that! (Bliver seriøst nød til at skrive det på dansk! Det var simpelthen så syret! Det var bare lige i øjet, at vi også så delfinerne! Og når Matt ’kørte’ stærkt, var det ligesom al min adrenalin kom ind i kroppen og når jeg spænder ret meget begynder jeg at ryste, så mine ben rystede bare like hell, hahah! Han spurgte om jeg var okay (: men selvfølgelig! DET VAR FOR VILDT!!!! )
Well, then we got home, and yeah, I just went straight to the pool, cause it was really hot and the sun was up on a blue sky, and I went in the spa, just to get cooled down, even if I’m a little sick I wanted to get some color for my skin, well, I have 5 ½ months to get color! :D So when I get home I’m gonna be like all brown and lovely! (I hope so!)
Well, lately (most preciously- when I was sick) I got really down, and just wanted to go home, It’s hard to sick somewhere you don’t know any of their medicine or anything, so I just got really homesick, and didn’t really wanna come out of my room. Matt then asked me if I was okay, because I seemed really down, and he thought I didn’t like being here. Well I can say for certain that it’s not because I don’t like being here! I LOOOOVE being here! It’s amazing, it really is, sometimes it’s just hard not being able to have contact with home, because of the bloody internet ): So I’m sitting wanna call home, but can’t because I’m sick, and I can’t drive anywhere, and grr.. yeah, so I just like got In my room, listen to music, and playing games, just try not to think too much of home, and my mom, and my best friend, omg I really miss talking to her! It’s so strange to think I have nearly been away for almost 3 weeks! How did that happen?! Well, I’m feeling a bit better, but I still cough(hoster) a lot, and have a blocked nose now(well better than a running one?) But I’m in a positive state!
And I even got a little color today! WUUUH! Well, still 5 months to get all brown ;)
Well, I still hope the internet comes soon! I really need it like really much! I want internet, internet! (yeah I’m possessed by the internet :b hahaha!
Well I’ll write again tomorrow!<3

Sunday October 5th
Yesterday evening I watched Scooby-Doo on tv :b haha talking about my childhood, I was a biiig fan of Scooby-Doo :D Well, yeah, and then went to sleep, and having 2 loud kids in the morning, trying to keep them quiet, think I did okay :b Well, then they went to their grandparents (Matt’s father has birthday today) I just stayed home washing my cloth, and yeah sleeping, or just like relaxing, trying to be myself, but my gosh I miss internet, and being able to contact my family..):
So time is about 21 over here, and I couldn’t help myself, I needed to talk to my mom, just hear her voice, and be a little calmer, we talked for like 18 min :b hahha! It was so nice to hear her voice. My gosh I miss her, just chatting over dinner about what had happened at the day, I miss that really much. Still waiting for that bloody internet to work! I’m gonna use it like hell! I miss writing with my friends, being on facebook, yeah, I’m never really on facebook.
When we get the internet, I’ll be able to get some friends, and get more out, and not being ‘stuck’ at the house, who wants to go to cinema all alone? (not me!) So I really need that internet, I need some friends I can talk to, get out with and stuff like that.. yeah, I guess it will get easier when I get the internet, because right now, it’s pretty hard, even if we do things, when we get home, they have friends to contact, or coming over.. but not me, but soon! I’ll get lots of friends! (I hope so.. J)

Tuesday October 7th

It only took like 20 min to make it work on my computer -.-‘ crazy shit, but it works now! Oh my gosh I’m soo happy about it! I can write home, I can skype with my family now, gosh it’s gonna be soooo great! And I can make some new friends! :D Weeee!! Well, first I’m gonna write to my friends in Denmark, I need to chat with someone I know :b 
Well otherwise, yeah, It's been a little crazy today, the kids are fighting a lot these days, think they need school to open again! well, otherwise, the thing I need now, is to activate my australian Visa, but have no idear how ): But, I'll find out! 
There will be pictures ;)
See ya lovely people (: